Pictures of dogs in cars, or really any vehicle...send your dog photo in! Dog in Car: ARRGHH!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I missed the most awesome dog in car ever this morning... There was a truckload full of german shepards! there were at least five of them. I'm really kicking myself over missing that, you'll just have to close your eyes and imagine it...

Driving down a twisty road you see an older tan truck with a camper shell parked on the side of the road near a hiking trail, a woman and a dog are outside of it looking like they will be going on a hike, you think "oh, dog with car, too bad he's not in it." As you pass them, she opens the tailgate and there is a pack of dogs in the back of the truck! You think, crap where's my camera? should I stop? I have to get to work...


!update! - I saw the truck (sans dogs) again about a week later(photo above). I'll keep going to work this way maybe I will catch them.

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